About the conference

The 7th Edition of the International Conference EVALSUP (French acronym for “Evaluation in Higher Education”) and the 22th Edition of the CIMQUSEF (the International Conference on the Quality of Education and Training) are merged to converge into a single international conference that unites synergies and optimizes resources to provide a platform for diverse stakeholders (academics, practitioners, policymakers, and organizations) to explore reflection and to promote exchange on the subject of quality in education in light of the unprecedented changes and growing challenges affecting education systems across countries around the world. This scientific event will be held in Oujda-Morocco, on 22-23 October 2025, under the theme: ”Rethinking and Advancing the Quality in Education: Challenges and Innovative Transformations for an Uncertain Future“.

All accepted papers will be included in the Conference Proceedings published with ISBNISSN and DOI codes. The best papers will be reviewed for inclusion in the Journal of Quality in Education (JoQiE) indexed in DOAJ, CROSSREF, OPENAIRE, JISC, BASE, SCILIT, WORLDCAT, HARVARD and Google Scholar.