Call for papers
The Quality of education is a cornerstone for societal progress, economic growth individual promotion and adaptation to uncertain environments of the future.
Despite major efforts at global level, disparities in the quality of education remain omnipresent, due to the development, implementation and monitoring of quality policies, which is still problematic, and also due to the dynamic and uncertain evolution of all aspects of education. Indeed, education systems around the world are facing profound changes due to social, economic, technological and environmental dynamics. These transformations are redefining expectations of education, and reshaping pedagogical models and governance modes.
These changes and transformation include technological advances and digitalization; social and cultural changes; ecological issues and unsustainable development; political conflicts and global crises; economic difficulties and financial issues; disinformation and fake news; new paradigms of governance and resource allocation; the competition and internationalization of education systems; the changing expectations and evolving needs of the labor market; the emergence of innovative approaches to teaching and research…
In this fast-changing context, it is necessary to rethink work on quality in education, in order to advance its improvement, its evaluation and its potential impacts on the learner and on the society.
Conference Themes:
- Theme 1: Rethinking new definitions of educational quality in a changing world and uncertain future
- Theme 2: Public policies and governance for educational quality
- Theme 3: Role of actors and stakeholders in educational quality
- Theme 4: Educational technologies and innovations to improve and appreciate quality
- Theme 5: Assessing and measuring the educational quality: framework, standards, indicators, tools, methodologies
- Theme 6: Impacts of quality approaches in developing educational systems and improving learning outcomes
- Theme 7: Quality in hybrid and digital systems for teaching and learning, research and management
- Theme 8: Artificial Intelligence in education, Big data and analytics in improving education quality
- Theme 9: Changing educational paradigms including curriculum, teachers, pedagogical methods and research management
- Theme 10: Status of progress and prospects for accelerating the achievement of SDG4